The Under the Bridge Law: A Code of Hobo Unity and Order


Recognizing the diverse and vibrant community that has come to thrive beneath the bridge, we, the hobos, establish this law to uphold our principles of camaraderie, fairness, and entertainment. Under the bridge, a realm of unique customs and traditions has emerged, allowing us to coexist harmoniously while resolving disputes with creativity and spirit.

Article 1: The Law of the Shopping Cart

1.1 All hobos shall possess the right to claim and maintain ownership of a shopping cart, which shall be considered their personal property.

1.2 Unauthorized use, theft, or misappropriation of another hobo's shopping cart shall be deemed a grave offense, subject to penalties as determined by the Hobo Court.

1.3 In case of a dispute over shopping cart ownership, the involved parties may elect to settle the matter through Trial By Combat, adhering to the guidelines outlined in Article 8.

Article 2: The Dance-Off Code

2.1 Hobos engaged in disagreements shall have the option to resolve their differences through dance-offs, showcasing their skills and creativity.

2.2 Victory in a dance-off shall result in the resolution of the dispute in favor of the winning hobo.

2.3 All dance-offs shall be conducted in good faith, with an emphasis on entertaining the hobo community.

Article 3: The Sanctuary Rule

3.1 Under the bridge, all hobos shall have the unalienable right to seek refuge and temporary shelter in designated areas.

3.2 Any act disturbing or encroaching upon another hobo's refuge shall be deemed a breach of peace and may lead to public shaming or community service.

Article 4: The Code of the Buskers

4.1 Hobos are encouraged to showcase their artistic talents for the enjoyment of the community.

4.2 Impersonation or theft of performances is strictly prohibited and shall be met with public humiliation as specified in Article 4.3.

4.3 Punishment for hobo impostors shall involve wearing a sign that reads "Hobo Impostor" in a visible location for a designated period.

Article 5: The Rite of Passage

5.1 All newcomers seeking to join the hobo community shall complete a designated rite of passage to earn the privileges and protection of the territory.

5.2 The nature of the rite shall be determined by the hobo elders and may include tasks promoting unity, resourcefulness, or storytelling.

Article 6: The Feast of the Trash Cans

6.1 On the first Friday of each month, a communal feast shall be held, requiring each hobo to contribute scavenged food.

6.2 Failure to contribute to the feast may result in exclusion from future events until restitution is made.

Article 7: The Bard's Honor

7.1 Hobos with musical talents shall perform daily ballads or tales for the entertainment and education of the community.

7.2 Failure to perform may lead to temporary banishment from the territory.

Article 8: The Hobo Court

8.1 Disputes shall be settled in the Hobo Court, presided over by a hobo judge elected by the community.

8.2 The judge shall determine fair judgments based on tradition, creativity, and community values.

8.3 Punishments may include public apologies, community service, or symbolic actions as deemed appropriate.

Article 9: The Law of Hobo Justice

9.1 Intractable disputes may be resolved through Trial By Combat, where champions represent each party.

9.2 Combatants shall use non-lethal weapons, ensuring the safety of all participants.

9.3 The victor shall be declared the rightful party, and the conflict shall be considered resolved.


With the establishment of these laws, we, the united community of hobos under the bridge, seek to promote harmony, creativity, and mutual respect. These principles shall guide us as we continue to flourish within our unique haven beneath the bridge.